Audicus Unveils New Line of Hearing Aids, Monthly Subscription Program for Products
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Audicus Unveils New Line of Hearing Aids, Monthly Subscription Program for Products

Oct 08, 2023

Aug 4, 2023 | Hearing Aids | 0 |

Audicus announced the launch of a new line of hearing aids with improved sound processing and new features, the Series 2, and a new monthly subscription program, Audicus Premier, with the goal of further reducing cost and convenience barriers for people with hearing loss.

“Our goal is to help as many people hear and communicate better as possible, and our subscription offering has helped thousands of people access hearing aids with low monthly payments for more than the past 3 years,” says Patrick Freuler, founder and chief executive officer of Audicus. “With Audicus Premier and the Series 2 line, we hope to extend that impact further than ever before, especially at a time when untreated hearing loss is about more than just feeling disconnected. Research shows that it may be detrimental to our overall health.”

The new hearing aids and subscription program may empower people to take control of their hearing health at a time when evidence is growing that untreated hearing loss may be associated with health risks like dementia, depression, anxiety, social isolation, and falls in the elderly. A recent landmark study published in The Lancet found that hearing aids may reduce the risk of developing dementia by 50%.

Audicus began offering fully customizable hearing aids by subscription in 2020 and will retire the Audicus Plus program in favor of the company’s new, more flexible subscription offering, Audicus Premier. Audicus Premier offers an upfront fee of $249, with monthly payments of $99 for Spirit Series 2 hearing aids and $149 for Omni Series 2 hearing aids.

The program offers free upgrades to the latest generation product every 18 months, care packages with supplies for cleaning and maintenance, and front-of-the-line service to a dedicated team of Hearing Aid Specialists.

Further reading: Audicus Partners with Lone Tree Hearing Clinic

Along with the introduction of Audicus Premier, Audicus has also introduced a new line of hearing aids, the Spirit Series 2 and Omni Series 2. Series 2 hearing aids include the latest technology and improved sound experience, with new circuits with increased memory and faster scanning and processing of the environment. They offer better performance in background noise, as well as the ability to connect to and seamlessly switch between two Bluetooth devices at once. Hearing aids from the Series 2 line are 10% smaller than Audicus’ Series 1 products.

These hearing aids join the Mini, Spirit Series 1 and Omni Series 1. All Audicus’ “receiver-in-canal” hearing aids now include remote adjustments.

“We’re thrilled to introduce these new hearing aids and subscription offering, with the hope that we’ll continue to improve access to healthy hearing for those living with untreated hearing loss due to cost and other convenience barriers,” Freuler says. “These innovations reflect our commitment to bringing advanced hearing aid technology and unparalleled support to the millions of people living with mild to moderate hearing loss.”

Featured image: Audicus announced the launch of a new line of hearing aids with improved sound processing and new features, the Series 2. Photo: Audicus



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